Cinema e linguaggio cinematografico nella prosa di Nabokov a Berlino (1922-1937)


  • Dunja Dogo Università di Siena


Parole chiave:

Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov, Nabokov and cinema, history of film between the two world wars (avant-garde), Russian novel of 19th century, textual studies


In this article, which is based upon published material, I will provide a broad outline of the main significant connections existing between cinema and literature in the early literary production by Vladimir Nabokov. More specifically, I shall be exploring a restricted portion of works of fiction composed by Nabokov during his stay in Berlin – e.g. King, Queen, Knave, Kamera obskura and other works such as short stories and first scenarios. Though many of these works are less known by both Italian and English-speaking audience, they offer valuable knowledge for understanding the influence that cinema had on Nabokov's narrative features. Understanding to what extent this medium affected the construction of stories and points of view could give a contribution for further in-depth studies concerning the way Nabokov made use of cinematic images (themes and narrative conventions) in the process of writing and in his first novels.




Come citare

Dogo, D. (2017). Cinema e linguaggio cinematografico nella prosa di Nabokov a Berlino (1922-1937). Cinergie – Il Cinema E Le Altre Arti, 6(12), 167–180.



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