About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Cinergie – Il cinema e le altre arti publishes articles in Italian and English that explore the multiple articulations of contemporary film and media cultures, promoting the discussion and the exchange between scholars from different disciplines. The journal aims to encourage the debate around the complex “ecology” of cinema and audio-visual media in contemporary digital landscape, unravelling their tensions, equilibria, fluxes, and borders. Cinergie – Il cinema e le altre arti focuses on:

  • Artistic and expressive practices in the post-media age;

  • Processes of adaptation and intermedial translation;

  • Forms and dynamics of interactive and transmedia narratives;

  • Forms and dynamics of videoludic cultures;

  • Forms and dynamics of “convergent” consumption

  • New theoretical approaches to film and media products;

  • Contemporary transnational film histories, cultures and economies.

Section Policy


Each issue of Cinergie develops a specific theme, edited by guest editors and hosted in the Special section.


Since 2019 Cinergie goes beyond the thematic sections, adopting a new Miscellanea section for articles.

The section hosts every article not belonging to the Special theme of each issue.

Former Thematic Sections

  • Caméra Stylo
  • Global Film Cultures
  • Art&Media Files
  • Eastern/Western
  • Under Analysis
  • Cinema and Visual Arts
  • Television and New Media Studies
  • Film Criticism, Cinephilia and Festival Studies


Not Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

The review process consist of a double blind peer review. The editors will assess whether the submission is eligible for review. As part of the initial quality assessment, each article will undergo plagiarism detection through iThenticate. After this formal assessment, if positive, the submission will be sent to two external referees.

Based on the review reports the editors will make one of the following decisions:

  1. The submission is rejected. In this case, a written explanation will be provided.

  2. The submission is rejected in its current state. In this case, the author will have the opportunity to re-submit the paper, taking into account the comments of the referees and the editor. When the submission is rejected in its current state (B) and the author wants to improve the paper, the editor assigned to that paper will support the author.

  3. The submission is accepted.

The whole review process will take not more than six months. Editorial, Interviews and Book Reviews will not be peer reviewed.

Publication Frequency

The journal publish two issues per year, in Summer and in Winter.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

It releases its articles under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This license allows anyone to download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute and/or copy the contributions. The works must be properly attributed to its author(s). It is not necessary to ask further permissions both to author(s) or journal board, although you are kindly requested to inform the journal for every reuse of the papers.

Authors who publish on this journal maintain the copyrights.

Publication Fees

The journal has neither article processing charges nor submission processing fees.


Cinergie adopts the AlmaDL Journals Code of Ethics.

The code is inspired by the guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), in particular to the COPE Core Practices and its Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing.

All parties involved in the editorial process, editorial staff members, authors, reviewers must know and apply the ethical principles of that document.

Data Policy

When relevant, authors are encouraged to follow Open Science and FAIR principles by publishing the research data associated to their articles in trusted data repositories, according to the international best practices and data management guidelines.

Detailed information is reported in the AlmaDL Journals Data Policy.

Authors who are affiliated to the University of Bologna can publish their data in AMSActa, the institutional research data repository.

Archiving Policy

As part of AlmaDL Journals, the Journal adopts a strategy to ensure long term preservation of the published content. Please see the archiving policy of the publishing service AlmaDL Journals.

Indexing and Abstracting

The Journal is indexed in the following databases and search engines:

Journal History

1999: birth of the biannual magazine, founded by Leonardo Quaresima, coordinated by Aldo Lazzarato, Leonardo Quaresima, Marco Rossitti for Forum Editions.

2004: The magazine changes format, publisher (Le Mani) and is coordinated by Roy Menarini.

2012: The magazine becomes an online open access publication (with publisher Mimesis) and is scientifically accredited, with double blind peer review.

2015: Cinergie is classified class-A for the scientific-disciplinary sector L-ART/06 and for the area 10 valid for ASN.

2017: Cinergie joins the Alma Digital Library services at the University of Bologna.


Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
Alma Diamond – open scholarly communication

Via Zamboni 33,
40126 - Bologna (Italy)


Dipartimento delle Arti – DAR
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna

Piazzetta G. Morandi, 2
40125 - Bologna (Italy)