Diffusioni e visioni


  • Federico Biggio



Parole chiave:

audience, Argumented Reality, mobile devices


The Augmented Reality is a technology that allows you to view and to integrate interactive and virtual layer to one reality image produced by the device on which it is integrated: mobile devices and new wearable technologies are predominantly used. During the pre and post medial era, cinema is alway been inclined to face the technological innovations and to be compared with them; nowadays cinema finds itself deeply connected with the digital world on different levels, in order to be hybridated in shape and style. This paper is focused on the audience point of view, in which are getting involved interactivity and participation concepts. The traditional idea of theatre, allows for further considerations about localization and deterritorialization. It gets from an immediate to an ipermediate fruition, even if we remain in immersive and pervasive technologies area of interest. That process inaugurates a scenario in which the user is the new addressee of a new bid, in order to think even more to a plurality of authorship. Diffuse Cinema, is one of the prototype, that is having a fair success margin. It comes to be a cinema, scattered all over the city, that finds out the viewer about the location of the different point of interest. It’s also settled to start a visual performance straight on the screen of the user device, once he turns the connection on. The performatives and experienced characteristic ensure that the bystander becomes for all purposes a spect-actor, willing to plays a role and to cooperate with the urban text, according to personal shape and style, for the purpose to makes the user become, one of the author of story.




Come citare

Biggio, F. (2017). Diffusioni e visioni. Cinergie – Il Cinema E Le Altre Arti, 6(11), 129–134. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2280-9481/7394



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