Il caos regna: la trama e l’ordito dell’essere umano
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Antichrist, language faculty, culture, society, biologyAbstract
There are some features which help us define a distinction between humans and the rest ofthe living creatures. The fox depicted by von Trier speaks and, doing so, makes it necessary toundertake this analysis, which focuses on the human being in its social, political and biological determinations. The chaos that the animal foretells in Antichrist frightens us. The fear we feel asspectators is due to the fact that the revolutionary statement comes from a mouth that is inherently chaos, since itrepresents an overturning of the anthropological hierarchies. This is exactly what will be discussed identifying a characterisation of the human being. Itis Aristotle who introduced us tothe concepts of logos and zoon politikon; however, debates on the semantic nature of these terms and on their reciprocal relationship are still needed. Every human is a thinking and political being, where the two labels should be considered as logically equivalent. To prove this equality in the human determination, itisnecessary to turn to Marx and Chomsky, to Sapir and Benveniste, in a historically articulated path which traces a complex night sky, where we consider both the intrinsic nature of man and its differential aspects.Pubblicato
Come citare
Papitto, G. (2017). Il caos regna: la trama e l’ordito dell’essere umano. Cinergie – Il Cinema E Le Altre Arti, 6(12), 201–210.
Under Analysis
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